Monday, August 13, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Summary: Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. -IMDb

My Rating: 6/10

Compared to the other Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire, this film did not seem to be on the same level. Oh, this film did have its comedy. It definitely beat out the other Spider-Man movie on comedy, but my impression of Andrew Garfield's interpretation of Spider-man was that he was just a horny little teenager. It was quite entertaining to see Garfield act as a high school kid trying to figure out some sort of cool costume for himself, and realizing all the best athletes wore spandex. In this aspect, the fact that Garfield was so childish, definitely gives off the impression that he was a high schooler. Maguire did not seem as childish. All in all, the older Spider-Man is still my favorite, but this movie was still quite entertaining.

 The mystery of why his parents abandoned him is even at the end, still a mystery. I feel as though the ending of this movie could have been more of an ending. There was not really much of an ending. There was more of a "let's leave clues for the sequel" type of ending.

I might watch the sequel if they come out with one, or I might not. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Bourne Identity (2002)

Summary: A man is picked up by a fishing boat, bullet-riddled and without memory, then races to elude assassins and recover from amnesia. -IMDb

My Rating: 5/10

The action is pretty intense and I do like the fact that Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) seems to have no idea how he knows that he can fight. It is a pretty convincing act. All the different languages that he figures out that he can speak is also quite amazing. the fact that he first speaks English, hears someone speaking another language, and then he realizes he in fact knows the language and flows smoothly into is another great testament to his acting.

However, the girl that is tagging along on his adventure to find out who he really is, Marie (Franka Potente) seems to drag down the adventure and the speed of this movie. Her role in the movie does nothing to further the storyline.

I enjoyed the mystery of trying to figure out who exactly he is and why people want him dead.

People have said this movie was very good, but I did not think it was that amazing. I feel as though there could have been more to the plot and to the ending. I was very confused by the ending and some of the things he did were not very realistic. He always just seemed to know that something was going to happen. If he failed a couple times, it would make the movie better.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Summary: Centers on a young woman who is welcomed into a community filled with people who don't know she's only there to exact revenge on those who had destroyed her family.-IMDb

My Rating: 9/10

As a relatively new TV show, this has definitely caught my interest. I've always love revenge based shows and this is definitely one of them. Loosely based on The Count of Monte Cristo, this TV show has me wanting to read the whole book because this show is that good. Most TV shows drag in other themes such as love and romance and a bit of everything else into one TV show, but throughout the first season, Revenge has stayed on track for the most part. Of course there are some bits and pieces of romance in there, but not enough to take away from the main storyline, which is Amanda Clarke's revenge on the people who framed her father as a terrorist.

Every episode, you fear for the main character that someone will catch her, and at the same time, you are also scared of what she is capable of. With each episode, you can see how far she is willing to go for revenge, the one person who knows who she is, Nolan, is helping her. He helps her, and at the same time, he is watching out for her to protect her like he promised her father years back.

With the season finale of the first season, I do not know what is going to happen next. One of the main enemies is dead along with most of the evidence that would have freed Amanda's father.

All in all, I cannot wait for the next season.

Dark Knight Rises

Summary: Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy. -IMDb

My Rating: 8.5/10

I must say, The Dark Knight Rises was a very good movie. Although it was quite long and dragged a bit in the middle. It was still entertaining for most of the 2hrs 40min. I thought the actors did a great job portraying their characters.

  • It amazed me to see Alfred (Michael Caine) show his disdain at Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) when he decided to become Batman again. It really showed how much Alfred cared for Bruce and that he did not want to see him get hurt. He keeps persuading him to stop but does it in a way that the audience can see his concern.
  • Another actor I thought deserved recognition is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays Blake. It was a great portrayal of the naive cop who believed that good will always prevail. Throughout this movie, you can slowly see his innocent ideas crumble and at the end the audience can see the way he has changed and no longer is that naive cop. 
    • I thought this role was very interesting and basically made the movie the most interesting. Just seeing Blake's fall from believing shows how good of an actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt really is. 
  • The twist at the end was somewhat unexpected. Although I had no idea what it would be, I feel like the movie foreshadows enough that you get a feeling that something else will happen. 

All in all, The Dark Knight Rises was a great movie. I will definitely buy it and perhaps even re-watch it in theaters. But those of you who still have not seen the movie, it is necessary to have watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight before watching this movie. There are many things mentioned that would make no sense if you did not watch the prequels.


Summary: Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. -IMDb

 My Rating: 7/10

So when I saw the trailers for this movie, I knew I had to go and see it. It was a Disney Pixar film. How could I not see it? Well, I was very excited for this movie but was somewhat disappointed when I saw it. The beginning started out promising with Merida standing up for herself. I think it all went downhill when she ran into the witch and had her mother cursed. For some reason, I felt having the whole plot of the story trying to turn her mother back into a human was weak. When I saw the trailers, I got the impression that Merida would journey out of her town and have an adventure of her own. Instead, all that happened was that she made a mistake and spent most if it trying to figure out a fairly simple way to undo the curse. Perhaps if undoing the curse was more complicated, then it would have been slightly more interesting.

  • Although it was cute, the plot was not strong enough to capture my interest
  • Very good beginning
  • I did like the scenes with the mother daughter bonding, that was quite well done

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

Summary: In a twist to the fairy tale, the Huntsman ordered to take Snow White into the woods to be killed winds up becoming her protector and mentor in a quest to vanquish the Evil Queen -IMDb
My Rating: 3/10

When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I immediately knew I wanted to see it. The queen was the main focus of the trailer and so I thought that this story would be Snow White but with a twist. A story with more of a focus on the evil queen. Or that was what I was hoping for once I saw that Kristen Stewart was Snow White. Seeing her terrible acting in the Twilight series made me not want to watch this. However, the trailer looked amazing, so I decided to give Kristen Stewart a chance.However, it seems that she was not able to redeem herself in this movie as well. Or, perhaps the movie itself was just bad.

  • First of all, the whole point of Snow White is that Snow White is fairer than the Queen. Well, in this movie, the Queen was definitely fairer than Snow White. So that bothered me throughout the whole movie.
  • Also, there was too many fighting scenes. I like a good action movie with fighting scenes but this movie, the fighting scenes seemed pointless. There was even one point in the movie when the Queen was fighting Snow White and it just seemed hilarious to me when Snow White was being thrown around everywhere. 
  • Not only are there too many fight scenes, the awkward romance between Snow White and the Huntsman could have been portrayed better than Stewart's awkward emotionless glances at him. Although the point was made, the execution could have been better. 
  • Last but not least, the storyline had some major holes in it. I understand it is a Hollywood movie BUT, Snow White has been in jail for the last 10 or so years of her life. How does she suddenly learn how to fight, lead and army, and give an "inspirational" speech within the last 30 minutes of the movie? 

All in all, this movie had a good concept, but it was not the best. It could have been really well done but failed miserably. I am not sure if my hatred of Stewart's acting is clouding my judgement but I feel a lot of elements just clashed in this movie. You are better off spending your money elsewhere.